Is your listing up to Amazon's requirements?

MethodologySuccess stories

Optimize your product sheets with our analysis tool

May 20, 2024

Since 2021, we have developed an analysis tool specifically designed to evaluate product sheets on Amazon. Currently, our solution examines more than 750000 products per month, providing a detailed analysis for each one. This tool is essential in our daily work, forming the foundation of our client catalog analyses and enabling us to develop the most effective action plans.

After several years of experience and research and development, combined with Amazon's best practices, we have established a standard of criteria and best practices to follow in order to optimize your product sheets. We created our algorithm using calculation rules specifically designed based on the importance attributed to each criterion.

In 2024, in an ever-evolving Amazon ecosystem, we have updated the rating criteria and calculation rules of our algorithm. Below, we discuss the changes made to these criteria.

Brand story

New criterion in our product analysis: the brand story. Located below the product description, it highlights the brand and its product ranges while offering a direct link to its Amazon store. This feature aims to enhance brand recognition and inspire buyer confidence.


62% of buyers state that they are more likely to purchase a product when a video is available on its listing. The presence of videos has become an essential element for improving e-commerce performance. They offer a dynamic presentation, reinforce buyer confidence, and increase product visibility on Amazon. Consequently, we have significantly strengthened this criterion in our algorithm.


A product sheet containing only one or two visuals cannot be considered optimal, even if other criteria are met. Ideally, a product listing should have a minimum of four visuals.

As our artistic director, Axel Bassa, often emphasizes, 'the customer always buys an image, not a product.'

The combination of a sufficient number of images with a video is a winning combo for your product sheet and performance.

Customer reviews

As with images, reviews play a crucial role in the purchasing process of a product on Amazon. They are an essential indicator for buyers, boosting their confidence and influencing their purchase decision. Moreover, a large number of positive reviews helps improve the product's visibility on the platform and, consequently, increases sales.

Product categories

Our tool examines both essential criteria and those that may seem less significant at first glance. However, these latter criteria, such as product categories, can prove to be crucial.

It is vital that a product listing is referenced in its main category, but also in the corresponding subcategories. This improves its visibility and directs your product to the buyers most likely to be interested in it.


On Amazon, SEO is essential for your products to be discovered by platform visitors. Our tool combines Amazon's recommendations with the expertise of our teams. The goal? To provide you with the best SEO advice for your product sheet. By optimizing the title, description, and bullet points, you increase the visibility of your products on Amazon, thereby attracting more customers and sales.

Other essential criteria, such as A+ pages, the Amazon store, and the buy box, are also considered by our algorithm to evaluate your product sheet. We encourage you to test your products to discover the strengths and weaknesses of your product sheet, which will allow you to determine your true optimization priorities.

Test yourself: analyze your product sheet.

Thomas Gueguen

Product Manager


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